『𝔔𝔲𝔦 𝔓𝔢𝔯𝔡𝔦𝔡𝔦𝔱 𝔉𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔲𝔫𝔞𝔪』
"𝘏𝘦 𝘞𝘩𝘰 𝘓𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘶𝘯𝘦"

Account Information

Leonidas is an OC designed/written by Yuki. He is considered multiverse, and can be altered (if necessary) to fit in with other characters. Writer is typically selective and storyline-driven, but will happily write at any length/seriousness. Both nonlewd and lewd content featured here.

The Biography of Leonidas Cortez

Basic Traits and Miscellaneous TidbitsFull Name: Leonidas Hershel Cortez
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Birthday: December 18th
Height: 6’2” or 188 cm
Weight: 178 lbs.
Body Build: Underweight, but has a strong upper body.
Hair Color: Greyish-Blonde (Originally blonde, but his roots were stained from the muck and grime of the lower quarter. Nearly any amount of cleaning couldn’t fix that.)
Skin Color: Naturally Tan
Eye Color: Hazel
Typical Outfit: A plain black tee and dark-colored cargo pants, as well as a red scarf. On cold or rainy days, he’ll usually carry around a coat of some kind.
• The red scarf he owns belonged to his late mother, the only memoir he has of her. It can either be seen worn as it should, or as a hood.
He always keeps a pair of work gloves on his person, in case he feels generous enough to help somebody out. It isn’t often, but there are some occasions.
• Despite being cold most of the time, Leon can eventually come around if given long enough.• Thanks to his father’s care, Leonidas has quite a lot of smarts in that brain of his. His modern look, straight from the slums, wouldn’t make one any the wiser, though. Not that he minds appearing dumber than he looks.• A bit of a “Momma’s Boy”, seeing as he’s never really had a mother to call his own. As such, he’s a bit scatter-brained when it comes to interacting with women older than him (especially if he finds them attractive...or the other way around.)• Living on the streets gave him skills he wouldn’t otherwise have, had he grown up in the noble quarter. One of these is his skill of sleight of hand, as there are many times where he’ll need something and have to snatch it by any means necessary, be it on somebody’s person or simply sitting around. He’s by no means perfect at this, though, as somebody with a sharp eye could catch him.

Leonidas Cortez was born to the great inventor, Hermes Cortez, and his wife, Carolynn, in the capital city of Ragna-Ferris. However, his mother died due to a serious illness when he was only a child. As such, he developed a great bond with his father, and the pair spent much of their time together in work. Not wanting to worry for his son, his education was mostly done in-house via tutors or Hermes himself. Many of his father’s classes involved the study of machinery and the work of a mechanic, while his other lessons mainly involved subjects such as English, mathematics, and physics.
The father would soon come to realize the boy’s promising abilities as an up-and-coming inventor of his own and take on most of the child’s later teaching on his own, as something of a work-study program of sorts. In doing so, Hermes would help to nurture his son’s tinkering nature by allowing him to utilize the vast amount of tools and machinery that his lab had to offer. The men would work together in plenty of projects, as well as many of the younger’s own personal ventures, for many years to come. In this era, Leonidas, now a young man, created his masterpiece, a blunderbuss of sorts, titled the “Scrapper”, that could blast any sort of unconventional ammunition a man could think of, as long as it fit within the loading chamber.This lifestyle would continue for much of Leon’s life, up until his sixteenth year. On one stormy night, hitmen of unknown origin would break into the Cortez household, kidnapping Hermes as well as much of his work. In doing so, the elder scientist put up whatever fight he could manage, but was easily beat down into a bloody mess by the intruders...it is unknown whether he still lives or not. Upon his awakening, the young man would wake up to an empty home and the sound of sirens blaring. He would enter the lab he came to love so much to a mortifying sight. The room was torn asunder and fresh blood coated much of the scattered papers and furniture. Worst of all, his father was nowhere to be found. Without taking a second to think for himself, Leonidas would unlock a small safe, hidden in the floors of the lab, to retrieve a small parcel from his father. Just as he took hold of the package, the stern call of a capital policeman rang throughout the house, calling for anybody indoors to give themselves up or be shot on sight. Panicked, the young man would take his father’s pack, as well as his own personal weapon, and escape the compromised home.Within that parcel, the young man would find a note from his father. Accompanying it was an antique revolver, polished and prepared for use thanks to steady care. The letter contained would read as such…“Son...I know that I haven’t been the best father for you, nor did I ever give you the experience of a true child, but know that everything I have done, I do for you. If you must ever read this, know that I’m likely dead and gone from this world. There are plenty of projects that I’ve never revealed to you, many of which aren’t something you should be forced to suffer for. However, there exist people in this world that would see me hanged for the technology I’ve created, and the last thing I want for you is to receive punishment for my business. As you’ve seen, I’ve left you my trusty sidearm, the Crown Jewel, and additional ammunition. This weapon has been passed down in our family for generations, and now I entrust it to you. I’ve ensured that it’s ready for use whenever the time comes, but alas, I hope it doesn’t. Live for us both, Son, and I’ll see you again someday. Be safe.Love, your father,
Hermes Cortez.”
The Cortez household itself was conveniently located just near the lower quarter of Ragna-Ferris, inciting the elder Cortez to develop a sort of “escape hatch” to the area, in case of such an emergency. Utilizing that contingency plan, the son would soon find himself dumped off in the alleyways of the lower quarter, now a fugitive. However, thanks to the father’s generous donations to the area, the people of the slums were more than welcoming to their new visitor, regardless of his criminal status. During the next three years, the young man would find a home with the local blacksmith, working as an aide and student.While these years were uneventful for the most part, Leon would work hard under the tutelage of his new mentor, learning of the value of low-quality materials and even a bit of smithing here or there. While not nearly as sturdy or efficient as the upper-grade materials, these parts would be useful for the youth’s tinkering habits. The young man would build plenty of so-called “inventions” using borrowed scraps from his keeper and whatever he could scrounge himself. Some worked, yet some didn’t. His failures only motivated him further, and that drive soon blossomed as he entered adulthood at age 19. Wanting more for himself, he packed his bags with whatever he could and bid a sweet goodbye to the second home that welcomed him since the dreary morning he tumbled out of that escape hatch.With packed bags and his mind dead-set on finding out the truth behind his father’s disappearance (not to mention the fortune that the elder Cortez left behind), Leonidas would set foot on his own adventure.

Upon reaching adulthood, many of Leon’s childhood traits seemed to shift and change, due to the trauma from his father’s disappearance and the hunt for his head. Of course, his youthful innocence disappeared the day Hermes left his life, but the effects went yet deeper. Before, his head was filled with dreams and aspirations that he’d wanted to one day reach and make reality, as a proper inventor. However, those views were distorted as a prominent goal took charge: to find the last piece of family that remained in his life, as well as to regain the fortunes that were stolen from him. This determination often wavers between a hunger for vengeance and the need to make things right, a battle between good and evil that always lingers within the man’s mind and affects his decisions greatly.
As an aspiring inventor, though, the man would be unable to escape his habit of tinkering. Even with the events from when he was sixteen accounted for, Leon would continue to put in work to get better despite the quality of his materials taking a great hit. After all, he felt the closest to his father when in front of a workbench, building whatever he could.His demeanor was surprisingly outgoing, despite being home-grown. He’d always enjoyed accompanying Hermes on his visits to the lower quarter, playing with the children he met while his father worked. However, reality hit him hard upon his move to the area. Seeking to keep himself safe no matter the cost, Leonidas would often keep to himself whenever possible. On the times he was forced to leave the home, the young man would do whatever possible to avoid conversation, seeking to remain alone via an armor of cold-heartedness. With enough effort, though, his protection could falter, letting a bit of that inner light shine once again

• The Crown Jewel, an antique revolver better known as the Cortez family heirloom. Leon’s certainly not quick to draw this weapon, much preferring the earlier mentioned Scrapper for any essential combat. However, come a time serious enough, the Crown Jewel and its 44 caliber bullets will take down whatever stands in his way.
• A makeshift weapon created by Leon himself: a launcher he dubbed the Scrapper. Think of it as an air cannon on steroids, it fires capsules filled with metal scrap at high velocities, intended to shred into the skin and bones of any poor sap it is pointed at. Its accuracy is surprising, and the custom capsules burst open at about five feet out of the barrel.•Various tools used in his tinkering hobby. Being a wanderer, Leon usually carries most of his crafting gear on his person. This includes, but is not limited to: hammers, wrenches, knives, and so on. In a violent situation, the young man has no problem brandishing any of these tools to fight, and would actually prefer it over traditional weaponry.• Light leather armor with brass features. Leon tends to wear a leather vest he acquired in Ferris underneath his clothing, gear he adorned with additional brass to deflect blows away from his vitals in any dangerous situations. This only serves to protect his torso. Otherwise, his body is unarmored and unprotected.

Premodern AU
Monster Hunter: Rise

Compatible verses include, but are not limited to: Fire Emblem, Genshin Impact, Final Fantasy (premodern), Tales (premodern)...also compatible with any premodern-era MVOCs.Origins
• The boy's young life parallels the norm: learning under his widowed father in the art of gadgetry. Rather than having his father kidnapped, Premodern Leon is aware that his father was murdered over the advancements in technology he'd made. His escape and teenage life remain relatively the same, except the boy focuses more on smithing and forging as a method of invention rather than piecing together scrap parts.
• His adult life has the smith pick up where his father left off, attempting to innovate and improve the tech of the times. However, he also spends much of his days in his forge, crafting both standard and...less conventional weaponry depending on the clientele.Physical Differences
• This Leon is far more of a melee-styled fighter, so his body type is more toned and defined to match his abilities. That said, his proportions are just the same as always.
• His strength is amplified by a few degrees to match his new choice of weaponry, alongside the fodder he fights. It's entirely feasible that he could lift another human his size and tote them over his shoulder with relative ease.Armaments
Smithing Tools - several hammers of different sizes and a pouch of iron spikes
Carving Blade - a standard-issue knife made of durable steel, used to slice through the skin and scales of felled fauna. Leonidas has no issue using this at close-quarters on his fellow man, if need be.Kingpin - a larger-than-life hammer with a head larger than a bear's ribcage and several spikes adorning the slamming end for additional piercing. Despite its hefty size, the smith wields it swifter than many a swordslinger. "Trusty ol' reliable," given to him upon becoming a trainee of his smithing mentor as a tool to take down whatever beast dare cross his path.Gnome - a shredding greataxe with the ability to change forms into a full-bladed sword. Leon's final test from his smithing mentor, amplified with some ingenuity picked up from his late father. In addition to serrated edges, the weapon also puts out a strong electrical current thanks to a relic known only as the Helios, slotted right into Gnome's handle. Leon found the trinket on a hike through some mountainous terrain on an aimless venture, falling in love with it immediately.Bombs of various effects - learned out on the field from veteran hunters, expanded upon through imagination and practice alone. Leon's skills are unrefined and sloppy, but sometimes that's just the thing he needs to get out of a sticky situation or cause some extra havoc. Types include smoke, spark, flash, fire, acid...and that's just for the time being.

Future AU
Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis

Compatible verses include, but are not limited to: Gundam, Halo, Xenoblade Chronicles, Gurren Lagann...also compatible with any future-era MVOCs.Origins
• The Leon of this timeline remains an Earthling who was introduced to the outer worlds upon a chance encounter with a visiting space colony that came to the planet to resupply. Thanks to his upbringing, the youth was able to sneak onto one of the transport carriers and board the colony prior to leaving Earth's vicinity...but not without being apprehended and locked away for a couple of years in one of the vessel's brigs. After being released, he worked twice as hard to prove his worth to the top brass, who soon acknowledged his abilities as a ship mechanic and pilot. He was offered a position in their defense program, which he politely refused, due to his interest in traveling the universe by his own accord. As a compromise, they offered to let him have a ship from the colony with a single catch: he had to build it out of their supply of decommissioned spacecraft. The project took him yet another year and some change, but it wasn't long before Leon took his spoils on its maiden voyage off the colony and into deep space for the first time. Now, he takes his skills to the stars, serving the highest bidder whether his job is to build or destroy.
• This version of Leon doesn't tinker quite as much with small-arms, seeing as the scale of enemy ranges more wildly and leans towards the size of giants. As such, he spends a lot of time working on his ship, the "Helios", and tries to keep it in fit, fighting condition. He's also familiar with the basics of piloting and repairing mecha, a skill he uses more infrequently than he'd like. Though, he's been working on a bit of a secret weapon he means to unveil on a rainy day...Physical Differences
• With the assistance of all that space tech has to offer, Leon's build is still about as balanced as his modern counterpart. However, with some assistance from the defense program of the colony, Leon manages to take his abilities to the next level thanks to a latent power inside him. (A power the ARKS program would call "photonic energy", not that the mechanic knows this.) As such, his body is made both more resilient and more powerful thanks to his mastery over this technique. In addition, he is able to take in oxygen from the photons, allowing him to breathe on planets without proper oxygen supply and even in space itself.
R-5G Rifle (Launcher Multi) - an out-of-date assault rifle Leon dug out from a scrap pile and refurbished for combat in low-gravity environments. He also adapted the mechanisms of a standard-issue launcher into the rifle's structure, which allows it to accept modified rounds for situational use. Launcher rounds include the standard explosives, alongside EMP, MIRV, and specially-created vacuum shells. The vacuum shells act as miniature black hole substitutes...not actually making use of antimatter, but instead, photons.
Rubina & Sapphiras - mis-matched gauntlets modified by the mechanic to convert photons into elemental energy. Rubina covers fire and earth elements, while Sapphiras uses ice and electricity. Funnily enough, the gauntlets themselves don't do much to amplify Leon's already-strong punching power. They just offer a whole new slew of side effects in a hand-to-hand fight. Unlike other alters, Future Leon actually has a fair amount of CQC training and is capable of using techniques like a properly-trained fighter. This go-round, any break from that is simply cockiness accompanied by the curiosity to try something new.Spacecraft
• A unique boon to Future Era Leonidas, the piecemeal space cruiser he calls the "Helios". Despite the typical idea of hand-built machinery being on death's doorstep, the Helios is better constructed than many of its factory-made counterparts. Upon redocking after its first voyage, a fleet mechanic was quoted to say it could have traveled for three times as long and five times as far...and that's before engaging light-speed travel.
• Thanks to a clever contraption created by the colony's R&D branch, the Helios has technology that allows him to save locations in deep space and return to their vicinity in a matter of seconds to minutes. The first location on this list is the colony itself, second being Earth...beyond that, there are several more slots in the craft's memory that the pilot can choose to utilize as he sees fit.• The cruiser is a bit larger than your standard, made up of the cockpit and a small living space in the ship's heart. Feasibly, the maximum capacity of this ship is four people...although, that would be a tight fit, so Leon tries to avoid taking in passengers whenever possible.• Ship weaponry is covered by a typical Photon Cannon, capable of swapping between rapid fire and stronger lock-on blasts when the situation calls for it. This, in particular, has been something prone for expansion...just as soon as its pilot figures out a solution for space combat.• Leonidas chose the engine for this ship specially, as it was unlike any of the other scrap ships on the colony...rather than working on photons or similar sources of energy, it seemed to run directly off of concentrated solar energy. The power source proved to be incredibly efficient, but no pilot dared put it to use due to its unknown nature...that is, until the stowaway came along. Its abilities are yet unknown, but one of its biggest perks is that it produces a natural oxygen flow throughout the craft, allowing its occupants to breathe easy within its walls.

Leon's hometown, the fictional city of Ragna-Ferris, and its surrounding territories are located in an area that would correlate most with postmodern Europe, specifically canal cities such as Venice or Amsterdam. The nation thrives on its extraordinary manipulation of water and steam power, in a system that produces perpetual energy by taking advantage of the water cycle within their unique "hydro-reactors".  Repurposed from older forms of energy production, they appear crude and mechanical in nature, but newer installations are far more efficient and designed beautifully enough to decorate the capital city's noble sector.Despite the similarities in time period and locale, the nation plays no active part in the history of the world as a whole. In fact, since the foundation of the first working hydro-reactor, Ragna-Ferris operated under closed borders to maintain a focus on self-improvement and innovation. It wasn't until much later that the nation re-opened its borders, some twenty-odd years prior to present day.The area surrounding the capital is lined with pipes to carry water from the nation's various lakes to resupply the reactors should they require it, but most of these have remained dormant since the latest innovations deemed the reactors mostly self-sufficient. Despite this, most of the citizenship still consider them the "veins of the country", and they are maintained regularly out of respect and adoration.The politics of the nation shuffled rapidly during its early years, but has settled on a more authoritarian view in recent years. Their stance towards the middle class and above is fairly generous, but lower-class citizens find themselves ignored frequently and oftentimes frowned upon for factors out of their control. The ugly side of an otherwise-peaceful nation...but rumors and angst bubble underneath the surface, foretelling worse times in store. A mysterious kidnapping in the noble sector acts as a spark to ignite confusion and fear, launching one young man into a journey to find his truth and, perhaps, the truth of his nation by extension.

Hermes Cortez (Father, Whereabouts Unknown)
Carolynn Cortez (Mother, Deceased)
Clef (@Vxbrato_)
Melissa (@MACHlNlSM)
Poppi QTPi (@ArtificialBlad3)
Steven (@Viseleaux)
Razyel (@RazyelScarlet)
Avigna (@noroitori)
Flora (@hoparoundbun)

NSFW Information
Sexuality: Pansexual
Orientation: Switch, usually Dominant. Submissive traits are rare.
Preference: Whatever he likes, be it Male, Female, Futanari, or otherwise. Humans or Anthro-types are more likely to fall under that.
Genitalia: Penis (Circumsized)
Length: 7 in. (Erect), 4 in. (Flaccid)
Girth: 4 in. (Erect), 3 in. (Flaccid)
Extra Details
• He’s been in a strip joint or two during his time in the slums, so he’s at least familiar with how the male’s role goes. It would be easy enough for him to replicate it when doing such things himself.
• On the flipside, while open to working with males, Leon isn’t well-practiced in taking the bottoming role. Oftentimes, in these cases, he’ll make mistakes or call out if something hurts.
• Virginity, if desired, is a plot point that can be put to use in RPs. If the partner desires, their interaction could be Leon’s first time, where he would be more inexperienced than usual. Otherwise, he’ll have his default amount of experience and knowledge of how sex goes.
• He simply likes who he likes, regardless of gender or appearance and oftentimes without an explanation. As for any kinks, he’s seen things in the slums. Enough to not care for much. (Barring anything the Writer sees as unacceptable, of course.)